Team Shralp “Chunk-A-Billy” Bowl Bash Jam


This looks like it was a good time!

For the past decade, Portland BMX rider and documentarian Dean Dickinson has been compiling a material for a self-released book entitled “You Won’t.” The book documents the story of Dean’s quest to ride 100 pools, and features Dickinson’s tales of sketchy pool missions along with photos of each pool ridden, spanning from Washington state to Austin, Texas.

Following the completion of Dean’s hundredth pool, at the Team Shralp Pink Motel Pool Party in May of 2009, Dickinson began compiling everything together into a book project, with help from a creative team that included Mark Lewman, Ryan Davis, Jared Souney, Mike Daily, Taj Mihelich and Justin “the Maestro” Kosman.

As the end of the summer of 2012 approached, the book was completed, and Dickinson got to work on book release parties, along with a bowl jam at the Hood River skatepark in Oregon. With the help of Ben Hucke, the jam was documented in the above video, and features riding from Ron Wilkerson, Hoang Tran, Bruce Crisman, Shad Johnson and more.

Dickinson’s book is now available through the Goods BMX online store. To learn more about “You Won’t,” check the book blog.

Music by The Crumbs, “The Anticipation”” – ESPN BMX

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