Terrible One – Ruben Alcantara “Rubonics Rumix”

Oh… my… god… This just made my week! This video right here shows you just why Ruben Alcantara has been my all-time favorite rider since I started riding. I built my first custom built bike around that Macneil Ruben frame to match his bike and everything… I’m seriously so stoked right now. Thank you, Joe Rich, for uploading this!

Welcome to a blast from the past… Rewind 10 years, and we’ll be in the time frame of what you are about to watch. All of this stuff is so good, and even watching it now reminds me yet again that Ruben can, and always has, been able to do anything that he wants to. Most of the footage in this next edit went towards Ruben’s part in an old Macneil video Stew Johnson put together back in early 2004. At the time, I was just learning how to use Final Cut Pro, and Ruben was riding for Macneil. We were also room mates at the time. So for fun, Ruben gave me some of his footage to play around with during the early days of my thirst for editing. It was a great learning experience for me and I felt lucky to have had Ruben be so generous to me. This edit of course never saw the light of day until now. I figured, well… it’s been 10 years, so it certainly can’t harm anything. “Gimme Danger”, by Iggy and the Stooges was the music track of choice. And my little intro animation came from a photo I stole out of Ruben’s room on one of my early visits to Malaga. So yeah, that’s actually him doing the flip at the beginning. And yeah, I couldn’t even spell his name right either. Definitely a learning experience, ha ha. Enjoy.

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