
Stoked on this! The Curb Crew from the Chicago area are putting out a full length DVD! Check out this promo they put together from footage that won’t be making it into the DVD. Based off this video, it should be a hell of a BMX video! Hit play and get stoked!

It wasn’t very long ago that The Curb Crew was just sort of a joke between a few of us. Not long after, things started to get a little more serious. From stickers to shirts, and even an Instagram account, we decided to actually put in work and make a dvd. The dvd still doesn’t have a deadline, but we have been working through weather, work, and injuries and we mustered up this promo of things to come. We would like to thank everyone that was involved, be it from riding, filming, motivation, or even giving us a place to crash. We love and appreciate you all. Thank You. Also, a special thanks to Logan at Let’s Roast Cycles for being a badass and always hooking it up!

Bob Pergl
Bryce Arnold
John G
Wood Dog
Brad Bunzel
James Dick
Pat Richert
Alex Duleba
Chris Zidek
Timmy Theus
TJ Henderson
Philip Mayes

Chris Zidek
Bryce Arnold
Philip Mayes
Pat Richert
Brad Bunzel
Bob Pergl
Jacob Soehlke
Jeremy Garrett
Dennis Peralt
Ashley Verrando
James Dick
Chris Costello

Chris Zidek

Vinca Rosea:MF DOOM
I’ve Got That Tune:Chinese Man

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