
We just spotted this trailer for the second “The Discovery” DVD over on Flat Matters! This video is coming out of Japan and looks like it’s packed full of amazing flatland riding. Check out the trailer for the BMX video above!

7 years have passed since we released the dvd “the Discovery”.
Now, we’re ready to release the second edition of it “the Discovery Vol.02”.
New rider, new tricks, gets older, and etc…
“the Discovery” features Kansai region in Japan.
That is one of our bases for making “the Discovery”.
Riders are;
Hiroki “Tangmeng” Iwata
Shinichi “Russia” Kiba
Tomokazu “Mo-rich” Morinaga
Masashi Itani
Jun “Oni” Katayama
Shunsuke Komatsu
Shimpei Hanawa
Yoshiyuki Sawai
Shinya “Günter” Matsuura
Tomohiro Kiyoku
Takahiro “Kyoro” Higaki
Hidenori “Soncho” Ishizaki
Directed by Shimpei Hanawa
Camera by Shimpei Hanawa, Jun Okada, Hiroki Iwata
Special Cooperation by Hiroki Iwata, Jun Katayama
Package Designs by Hiroki Iwata

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