A session to keep the good times going!

As many of you know, as you get older sometimes the sessions are a little harder to come by due to life’s responsibilities from work to family and everything. The Rowan Roast is thrown to get as many riders out for a convenient morning session. Here’s a video Profile Racing put together from the latest one that went down during a recent trip to Fayetteville.

During the last day of a Profile Roadtrip to Fayetteville, our crew met up with Dave Long and a good amount of the NC. crew to celebrate the 3rd annual Rowan Roast.

As Dave explains, The Rowan Roast is meant to get riders to take a break from their schedules every other month, come together and have a session.

Thanks to everyone who attended, and thanks to Dave Long for hosting.

Filmed by Matt Coplon, Dan Dellorso, Mark Mulville, and Dave Long.
Animation by Dave Long.” – Profile Racing

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