
The Set coming through with a video packed full of grinds from Sean Falkenstein for your viewing pleasure. Sean has spent the past few months going to work on every rail and ledge setup he came across, putting all four of his pegs to heavy, heavy use. If you’re looking for a dialed street edit, this is one you won’t want to pass up!

Also, since Sean rides a few of the same spot in this video, make sure you check out Kym Grosser’s latest The Set video as well!

Sean has been stacking clips for a few projects the last 6- 12 months. These are his “B-roll” clips he didn’t want to go to waste. Filmed around Melbourne and Adelaide.

Music: The Mental Traveler – David Axelrod
Filmed by: Kym Grosser
Additional filming by: Marius Dietsche, David Cook, & Mathieu Peladan
Edited by: Alex Liiv”

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