The Shadow Conspiracy U.K Tour Flyer

It looks like some of the Shadow Conspiracy team will be hitting some shops and the DUB Jam starting August 23rd. If you are in the area, make sure you are hitting up these stops!

The Shadow Conspiracy are hitting the UK next week for several dates and shop appearances – The team on this tour consists of Simone Barraco, Owain Clegg, Josh Roberts, Paul Ryan and Lahsaan Kozba.
They will be hitting up Brighton BMX on Thursday 23rd followed by a Coffin Jam at 3pm at the Level skatepark with prizes and giveaways. Saturday 25th the crew will be hitting up London for the Dub Jam street series, and then Tuesday 28th they will be at Rampworx in Liverpool from 6pm.
” – Seventies Distribution

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