
Trails Collective Trail Design App ToolTrails Collective Trail Design App Tool

Here’s a rad one we spotted over on Can You Dig It that any trails builder will love. The guys at The Trails Collective have developed this app that allows you to design the trails spot of your dreams. The app allows you to put together a ton of different jumps and setups to give you some good ideas of how you could layout a spot. The app is available for $1.49 on iTunes now. It doesn’t look like it’s on Google Play yet, but we’ll keep you posted if it does!

You down Download Trail Design Tool from The Trail Collective here!

Over the last few months we have been working on The Trail Collective (TTC) – Trail Design Tool. This application has been created to use as a community engagement tool for clients and the public. With its hands on approach, interactive and enjoyable platform our aim is to get the most from initial discussions and planning for any TTC project.

We are pleased to announce this is now live and you can download the app here – goo.gl/OdVlfY, our website or find it in the Apple App Store searching for The Trail Collective or TTC. This app has been developed for and is best viewed on Apple iPad. You dream it, we build it. Enjoy.””

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