

Man, I don’t know about you, but this week flew by! It’s Friday, so that seems to be the time we’ve been taking a look at Bikeguide to see what they have going on over on the board. We’ve picked up two interesting threads that will get you thinking or have you laughing your ass off to look at!

The first one we picked out is 3D Printing Titanium Parts! There’s been a lot of talk about 3D printing lately and it seems like there’s been more and more people looking into how to make it work for bikes. There’s been a few uses of titanium that are proving to be more affordable than CNC machining and it seems like the concept is getting even closer to actually being used. We even get a look at George French of G-Sport‘s personal 3D printing setup he has been using to prototype designs. Well worth looking into!


3D Pritning Titanium Parts


The second thread we’ve picked out is for anyone looking to laugh. The Post Internet Funnies (NSFW) thread has a ton of hilarious meme’s, Facebook screen shots, .GIFS and more. This one hits the Not Safe For Work Zone, so only check this out if your boss or mom isn’t around, haha.


Post Internet Funnies (NSFW)

This is just two of the thousands of threads that cover BMX to really anything you can think up over on Bikeguide, so head over there and take a look at Bikeguide.org. It’s also FREE to create an account and get in on this, so get to it!