
With the Backyard jam set to return after a long hiatus, it was fitting that the crew at Ride UK uploaded the old videos from the Backyard Jams that went down in 2002, 2003 and 2004! These videos are STACKED with amazing riding from so many legendary riders. These contests were some of the biggest and wildest BMX contests ever, and it’s so rad to see it making a comeback. Check out all the videos and see so much history.

Iconic Backyard Jam section from Ride UK’s ‘Cassette’. A mix of footage from the Backyard Jams in 2002, featuring Telford, Derby and Hastings.

Backyard Jam Series 2019 – info at www.rideukbmx.com / www.backyardjam.com”

Iconic Backyard Jam section from Ride UK’s ‘No Front Teeth’. A mix of footage from the Backyard Jams in 2003, featuring Coventry, Derby and Bournemouth.

Backyard Jam Series 2019 – info at www.rideukbmx.com / www.backyardjam.com”

Iconic Backyard Jam Bournemouth 2004 section from Ride UK’s ‘No Front Teeth’.

Backyard Jam Series 2019 – info at www.rideukbmx.com / www.backyardjam.com”

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