Categories: Interview

Tim Knoll Interview

Alright, flash back time. About 5 or so years ago when there was a demo at the mall here where I’m from being put on by DK that featured Tim, Vinnie Vasquez, Ron Thomas (I think), and Quinn Semling. Regardless, Tim was super dialed and fun to watch ride. I ended up chilling there all day with the guys and ended up talking to them and what not. But yeah, so fast forward a few years and I ended up keeping contact with Tim here and there. Then, last winter during BACO in Milwaukee, there was an after party at a bar and sure enough Tim was at the door. It was rad to catch up with him a bit and everything. Fast forward a bit more and a few days ago Tim had a real dialed edit drop that people were psyched on! I decided it was well overdue to get him some questions. Check out what he has to say, some photos, and that real good edit, then leave him some love in the comments!

Photos by Gregory Dickson

Name: Tim Knoll

Location: Milwaukee, WI

Sponsors: Division BMX & GoPro

Years riding: 10

What was it that first got you into BMX? Any early memories just come to mind?
My First exposure to BMX came from Nickelodeon circa ‘92. I saw a rider doing whiplashes. From that point forward I had admired it. In ’00 my avid participation began at fifteen when I decided to learn rocket barspins on a 12″ with rear pegs that belonged to my little brother.

What was it about flatland that caught your interest? Did you ever try racing, ramps, dirt, or anything like that before you committed to the flatland scene?
In middle school I tried dirt jumping my Robinson. Safety and success were minimal. Flatland caught my interest because I could practice it on my driveway and I thought the tricks were cool.

Tim gets wild with a front flip dismount.

The first time I had the pleasure of meeting you was for a demo with DK. How long have you been doing shows and demos?
Likewise! 5 years

Who are some of the people you have had the chance to do some shows with other than DK? I’d imagine you’re a regular for the Division crew?
A few years ago I had the pleasure to ride shows for Ron Thomas’ stunt team, Rise Above. You’re right about Division. Micah introduced me to the BMX performance industry in ’05. I’ve been riding for him since.

I figure with summer coming in hot that you will be doing some shows soon. Where do you plan on riding the next few months?
That’s a good question because I’m not entirely sure. From what I’ve heard I’ll be returning to Edmonton, Alberta for two weeks. I’m psyched on that. I had a lot of fun the last time I was there.

You have had the chance to travel quite a bit because of BMX. Where are some of your favorite places you have had the chance to visit?
Anywhere away from southeastern Wisconsin will satisfy me. But I particularly liked Toronto, NYC, Xenia, and San Diego. Any metropolitan area is fun.

Has Milwaukee always been home for you, or is there somewhere else you call home originally?
I started off in Downers Grove, IL. When I was 6 my family moved to the Wauwatosa/Milwaukee, my mom lived in one, my dad in the other. I’ve dwelled in this area ever since.

How do you feel about the scene in Milwaukee these days? It seems like there is always something going on there these days?
I agree. BMX seems to continually catch on with people who live around here. There are several riders in this city who are really good. I admire them. But most importantly the BMXers who I’ve encountered here are really polite. I’m impressed with this community.

Do you ever find it hard to find motivation to ride with flatland being a pretty small niche in that area? Do you ever find yourself riding parks and street at all or just when you’re mixing things in with your flatland?
I rarely ever rode flatland with people. Being by myself has never discouraged me. I actually like to ride alone with headphones. Nowadays I often ride in the presence of people because I go to spots that tend to be popular. A parking lot alone won’t satisfy me anymore. I desire places that have a flat space and some sort of street obstacle or whatever. I hardly ever ride flat exclusively during a session anymore.

Speaking of that, your recent edit was awesome. I heard you were super worried people wouldn’t like the edit? How did you feel after seeing so many people get psyched on it?
I was really unsure of how people would receive it. A part of me felt that people wouldn’t tolerate weird riding and 8 bit music. Nonetheless, I was still compelled to release it because it’s my thing and I figured some might appreciate it. I still can’t believe how well people took it. I thank everyone for their support. It has been tremendously encouraging to get positive feedback from the BMX community. I value riders’ opinions above most because they understand BMX.

Do you have any plans on filming another edit any time soon?
Yes!… eventually. Learning new tricks and coming up with ideas that actually work can take some time.

Don’t take this the wrong way, but apparently you’re pretty beefed out. Is that just from riding BMX or do you have a pretty solid work out plan involved in this?
The truth is I’m a jock asshole who spends time in the weight room.

Who are some of the riders you have looked up to over the years?
Paul Osika, Mark Eaton, Chase, Kevin Jones, John Huddleston, Dizz, Chad Degroot, and Rodney Mullen

What are you usually up to when you aren’t riding?
I have a job tutoring a handful of adolescent students who are in the Milwaukee Public School system. I work at a bar a couple nights a week. For leisure, I use the internet to search for information and entertainment.

I know last winter during Baco in Milwaukee we ran into you bouncing at I believe Cans? Is that the designated BMX bar in Milwaukee or what?
Yep, Cans. Rollie Flasch and I work there. Jon Wells, Little Jon, Jeff Dowhen, Edson, Jeff K, Mike Schreck, Tippy, Wade Lajlar, and Micah tend to show up there regularly. I’ve seen a lot of different riders come through there throughout time.

Where would you like to see yourself in 5 years?
Free from student loans

What’s the last movie you watched? Krush Groove
Song you heard? “Blueprint for Joy” – Middle Class
Website you visited?

I figure since you live in Wisconsin, you probably know how to drink. What’s the choice drink?
Actually, it turns out that I don’t know how to drink. But a 7&7 is what I took.

Do you have any shout outs or thanks?
My family, Micah Kranz, Chris Oestreich, Schreck, Rollie Flasch, Little Jon, Chris Farina, Mykel Larrin, Tippy, Wade Lajlar, C4BMX, and Ride Sports

Anything else you want to say?
Listen to Carl Sagan

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Tags: Tim Knoll

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