Categories: Interview

Tom Dugan Interview

Photo: Cody Nutter

If there’s one rider that really can constantly blow my mind these days, it’s Tom Dugan. His riding is about as wild as his personality and I can honestly say I’ve laughed harder watching his edits than most of the specials I’ve seen on Comedy Central. The other week BMX got a pretty good scare when word started popping up on Twitter that Tom went down hard during the Red Bull Metro Pipe contest and was in a coma. It got a little scary there for a bit, but luckily Tom pulled through and is on his way back to blasting. I figured since he had some down time that it would be a good time to finally fire out an interview with him. Tom keeps it pretty simple, but it sounds like he’s definitely got some good things coming that he mentions in this. So let’s do this!

Name: Tom Dugan

Location: Austin, TX

Sponsors: Empire, Etnies, Fit and Odyssey

Years riding: 14

What was it that first got you into BMX? Any early memories come to mind?
A family I met (the Begas) got me into bike riding.

How are things going with Fit these days? How stoked are you to have your
signature frame and bars out now?

Fit is great. I love them. Really happy to have some signature stuff for them to add to what they are doing.

Do you have any trips or anything sweet you are looking forward to once you’re back to 100% with them?
No plans yet because I don’t know exactly how long I’m out for.

What does Povah have cooking for you this year with Etnies? I feel like he’ll have you moving quite a bit this summer with the team?
I am not sure what he has cooking. Just a lot of riding and good times.

How are things going with Odyssey these days? Anything those guys are cooking up for you that you can talk about?
Things are fun! We are working on some grips right now that I am pretty excited about.

So I guess we might as well start off with your latest news. You took a pretty gnarly slam at the Red Bull Metro Pipe contest and ended up in a coma for a bit. What was the final medical terminology of your injuries?
Blood clots and bruising on my brain. 2 teeth out

Did it pretty much wipe your memory clear of the time leading up to the crash or were you pretty aware of what was going on when you finally came to?
I remember up to the second I fell, which is weird because usually you don’t remember shit.

I know you are pretty well known for rocking the helmet these days. How stoked were you to have that thing on? I can imagine things might not have ended up as well as they had if you didn’t have it.
I actually don’t think it did much, I hit mostly on the front of my face and forehead. Either way I feel better knowing I had it on.

How much down time will you have from the bike? Will you be back to blasting quarters pretty quickly?
I’m guessing a month and a half, but won’t know for a little bit and yes of course.

Are you still over in Spain or have you been able to head back to Austin? I feel like an injury like that might keep you from flying for a bit.
No, I am back now. I did have to stay over there for 7 days after the crash though.

What are your plans while you get healed up? I feel like you are due for an album or something with the music you are always doing.
Haha, I am not sure about that, about to go back home to Kansas for a few weeks and get my teeth fixed, brain scanned and all that jazz. Just relax, watch a lot of movies.

Since things in ATX will be getting heated up pretty quick now that winter is over. Do you have any places you want to check off the travel list this summer?
No plans yet other than trying to go out to Woodward east for a little bit. My schedule fills up really fast out of no where all the time.

Have you been filming much lately? I wouldn’t mind seeing a fresh edit out of you soon. Anything coming soon people can get psyched for?
Just finshed my “welcome to the team” video for Etnies about 2 weeks ago and it should be out any day. I’m excited

Speaking of your edits, I’ve always wondered this… Has Dr. Pepper ever hooked you up for the endless amount of product placement you do for them?
Nahh never! We just need to communicate is all.

The last two years have been pretty crazy for you. Basically coming out of nowhere and blasting up the list of everyone’s favorite rider to watch. Trust me, I just looked and your name had 15,000 searches last month on Google. How do you feel about that? Is it weird at all?
Sometimes it’s weird if you just sit there and think about everything but most of the time I don’t think about it like that or just try to ignore it.

You’re pretty notorious for doing some crazy shit like getting naked and sending it at contests. So I guess I should ask, what’s the craziest thing you personally feel like you have done?
Haha I don’t know man…

What are you up to these days when you aren’t riding or on a plane somewhere new? Any new hobbies?
Cruzin my motorcycle around town or playing basketball in the back yard.

Actually, what’s something about yourself that might surprise people?
The last trip I got home from one of the first things I did when I got home was put my snake on my head. He spray shitted all over my head and shirt.

Let’s say the BMX thing didn’t pan out like it has for you. Where do you think you would be today if you never got into BMX?
I have no idea. I probably would have tried to been an actor. That would be fun.

You find a duffle bag just loaded up with cash with your name on it. What’s the first thing you buy? Helicopter

Let’s say you get a fat budget to take 5 friends anywhere in the world to ride and party for a few days. Who do you bring, where do you go and why?
Jared, Mason, Felix, Levi and Matt. We would go to Cuba for fun.

What’s the last song you heard, movie you watched and website you visited?
Tron sondtrack, 21 Jump Street, Gmail

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Alive… I hope.

Do you have any shout outs or thanks or anything else you want to say?

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