Categories: Interview

Tony Mortenson Interview

Tony is a Minnesota legend, he was full on pro at one point riding for MacNeil and a few other companies but has moved onto other things of sorts. He still rides, he still is one of the few people who have ever made it through the big set at Monkey Village, and he is still an animal when it comes to partying. I think this interview will give you a little view of his perspective.

Tony Mortenson

Photo Credit: Ben Austin

East Hanover New Jersey

Etnies, Primo?

Years Riding:
About 13 or 14

You have or are in the process of moving to New Jersey, why are you leaving Minnesota?
There is a really long story to this. But it’s pretty private. But I can tell you that I was offered a job out there and since I just finished school this spring I decided on change of scenery, and I was offered a good opportunity to get started on my career.

Do you see a return ever?
Yes I do, I will always call Minnesota home.

Seeing you ride is pretty wild, but it seems like your kind of getting more underground now days, are you starting to settle down a bit?
For the last couple years I have been in school and maintaining a decent job to support that whole end of life. Now that I’m done with school I feel like I can spend more time on my bike. Also, for the first time in about 5 years my body feels 100%. Something I’m not accustomed to. As soon as I get out to Jersey I’m going to find a good spot to dig and I’m looking forward to all the new spots and just riding more in general. Living 20 min from NYC the possibilities are endless.

Your one of the Baco guys, what’s it like to be apart of a historic crew like that?
It’s amazing. I came up watching all the baco videos since I was 14 years old. Chad, Dave, Dave, Brian, Johnny, Jim, and the other guys are legends. Anyone that hasn’t seen style cats can’t even comprehend what I’m trying to express. But it is one of the most honorable things ever to be a part of that crew.

What is your best memory from the baco stuff over the years?
So many good memories I can’t talk about! But a great time happened when Baco did the Florida trip. We drove down from Minneapolis to Orlando and did a week long skatepark tour around Florida. After that Jimmer and myself made our way up to northern Maine. So much good stuff happened on that trip. I remember all the demos; which were insane, so many crazy moves went down at those. Some crazy nights in downtown Orlando. Watching the baco uncut videos. Freimuth’s driving, Jims dirtiness, racist billboards in South Carolina, Campground golf, stealing wood from our neighbors campsite, getting pulled over by the Forest Ranger and having to hide a bottle of wine that we were chuggin on in the woods, and getting reamed by said Forest Ranger. Climbing the tallest mountain on the east coast, laying in a dead mans grave, Jim’s innate ability to walk out onto an empty dance floor and have the thing packed shoulder to shoulder by the end of one song. An insane bachelorette party that got invaded by us, and then getting a ride up a mountain by the same bachelorette party the next day just so we could bomb the mountain again on our bikes, pissing off a whole group of people in a random bar in Augusta Maine, then going outside and pissing off a Hells Angel rider that was seriously the size of a Viking, Jimmer saving my ass (again), and of course puking.

How did you feel about the Baco at Jellystone last spring, that got wild and didn’t you do pretty well in the contest?
Yea any Baco contest is always a good time. An even better time if I’m healthy enough to ride. Doing well was just a bonus. Going to the hospital at the end of finals was not a bonus. Coming back to the aftermath of the greatest party ever at Jellystone in my room and I wasn’t there was definitely not a bonus.

Over the years you have been apart of a few different videos, which one is your favorite and why?
Prolly Baco 10. It was quite an honor to be asked to film a section for that. Aside from my stuff in there the video itself is pretty epic. Brian shuts the shit down in there. Other than that I was very happy to be a part of Grounded, even a small humble part.

Your ramp which has had a lot of filming done is in the process of being taken down, how hard is it to take that down (emotionally I guess?)?
It really sucks to see it go. We got it half torn down right now and are still riding the roller side. So many good sessions went down on that ramp. So many different people have come to ride it. Best memories are by far the evening sessions with friends or the early morning sessions with Jimmer. The ramp is going to benny P’s house, so I know its in good hands. But a lot of work went into building that thing and I thank everyone who came to have a good time over the years.

Photo Credit: Ben Austin

Who is your typical riding crew these days?
Nick Palmquist, and whoever is around I guess. I try to get out with Eric Holley and his crew whenever possible. Now that I am in Jersey I will mostly ride alone.

Do you plan on doing much riding out in New Jersey?
I plan on actually having the time to ride out there, so I can’t wait.

Over the years you have had the chance to ride some real great spots, where or what are your all time favorites?
Wow, good question. There is this massive reservoir in England that was amazing. Also the ditches in San Antonio were pretty epic. But as dumb as it sounds the best spot to me was the ramp out back. Nothing beats that thing.

Your pretty unstoppable trick wise, but what are some tricks you have the most trouble with?
Whips. Nuff said.

What is the worst crash you have taken on your bike?
Prolly fall of 06 on a gap to rail. I don’t remember it but anyone that was there has said it’s the worst fall they have ever seen. The camera we were filming with when into auto shut off right when I was riding up to the rail so there is no footage of the wreck, that’s prolly for the best though. Other than that One time out at Mickey’s trails I took a bad slam and ruptured my kidney. I thought I was dying. Internal bleeding is the scariest thing ever.

If you could relive any session or time on your bike, when would it be and why?
As far as sessions go, One that pops into my mind for sure is when Josh and myself had a good night at the G-shock. I remember Josh doing some great transfers and Smithing the vertwall. And as for myself I Learned 540’s over spines that night. The energy in that place was unbelievable. So many people doing so much insane stuff. One of those nights where everyone was on point doing whatever they wanted to on their bikes. Another great time was when I went to stay with Markus Wilke in Germany. Nothing major went down or anything we just had a great day cruising around Hamburg and enjoying everything. Just one of those days that probably pictures better in your head long after the fact but still a very memorable day.

What is one trick you will never get sick of?

Who or what are some of your biggest influences on your riding?
Tom Haugen for sessioning with me day in and day out and showing me what consistency is. Jimmer for showing me that consistency doesn’t matter just the feeling of one amazing trick is all it takes. Dave F. for just showing me a good time. Ruben because of speed. Miron because, well, fuck, he’s Miron. Taj for his shit in mad matt. Chad for showing me that riding means dick unless your having fun with it. And BK for never giving up.

Outside of riding you have an interesting career, what do you do and how did you get into that?
I am a superintendent of a golf course. The story goes like this; About 3 years ago I was sitting home with my 5th or 6th ankle surgery. I thought to myself, “Am I going to do this forever?” you know, be hurt, be healthy, be hurt, and so on. So I decided that I should go back to school. And then I tried to figure out what I would want to do that would make me happy. I could give a fuck less about how much I got paid or anything like that. I didn’t research any of that. I just wanted a career that was going to be fulfilling. So I figured that I like golf and I like to be outside all day and I like to work with my hands. So I decided to go to school to learn how to take care of golf courses. Now that I’m finished, I have a great career and I ended up doing ok with the whole monetary end of things. Only problem is that I don’t really get to work with my hands I just make sure everything is going great. But I do get to cut the new holes every morning which I love to do. Outside of that I mostly spray chemicals and look professional.

So I take it your pretty into golf?
Yea, it’s harder than flatland. So if your any bit like me and you cant give up on anything, then you have spent your life getting pissed over that game too. I like it because it’s the most humbling activity I have ever partaken in.

Outside of work and riding, what are some things you like to do?
Fish on occasion. Of course get in some golf. Chase girls in bars. Sit on the computer too much, all the fun stuff.

What are some things you would like to accomplish in the next few years?
Just get my career rock solid. So I don’t have to worry about money or any of that bullshit anymore. That and pay off some of this massive debt I have accrued in the last 9 years.

Who or what are some of your biggest influences in your life as a whole?
No one.

You like to party, so the question is obviously, what is the best beer?
Too many good ones to pick from. I like to try lots of beers and keep the palette guessing. I don’t really enjoy domestic beers too much. Also not a fan of really dark beer like Guinness. Cervecerias and lagers mostly.

How do you feel about hard alcohol?
Right now or when I wake up in the morning? I only drank hard alcohol for a long time. I have started to enjoy beer over the past few months. But when its time to go out I’ll take a strong island or a Crown on the rocks every time.

What is the funniest thing you have done under the influence?
Last summer the everclear got busted out at a Bachelor party. I took a couple shots and jumped off a friend’s deck (in the dark at night). Little did I know that were basically on the third story and not the 6 feet up my drunken mind was thinking. So after a really, really long free fall I finally met the ground. Tuck and roll

What was the dumbest thing you have done under the influence?
What was her name?

Have you ever been arrested, if yes, for what?
Nah, I have talked my way out of most situations.

Photo Credit: Ben Austin

If you could hook up with any famous girl in the world, who would it be?
Gwen Stefani for obvious reasons.

How do you feel about the internet, what are some of your favorite sites?
Internet is a big fun waste of time. I love it. Favorite sites: Myspace/facebook, InterBMX, BMXboard, Something awful,, craigslist, VWvortex, thecomeup, Etnies, T1, FBM, ebay

If you could spend the day with anybody alive, dead, fictional, who would it be and why?
Jesus, because he embodies all of those things you mentioned.

What are some good bands people should check out?
From Ashes rise, Atmosphere, Classic rock and rockabilly.

What are some good movies people should check out?
I’m a documentary guy so: Into the wild, alone in the wilderness, The extraordinary people episodes, Loose change HAHA, Blue Planet Episodes.

If you won the lottery, how would you spend the money?
Build a utopia on my own ideologies.

Were you aware that there is a dude who plays football with your exact same name? (Even played for the gophers)
C’mon, Who hasn’t googled their own name before!

What kind of life advice do you have for people?
Be true to yourself, no joke. Fuck trying to please others around you, because if you’re doing that you’re denying yourself the same pleasure. This in no way means that you should become selfish or irresponsible, everything is a means to an end and everything ends.

What kind of advice do you have for kids just getting into riding?
Enjoy it.

What kind of advice do you have for people who drink shitty beer?
The best beer you got is the beer you got.

Do you have any shout outs or thanks?
Not really, everyone knows who they are and what they mean to me. But for the record: Davie, Povah, Miron, Joe Rich, Nate Morashan, Ricky Adam, Glenn Milligan, Darcy, Chad, Jimmer, Brian, Josh, Benny, Ben Austin, Erk, Palmquist, all my boys. I know I forgot at least 3 people (sorry)

Anything else you would like to add I missed?
If you see me don’t assume I’m asshole, come say hi.

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