
The Shadow Conspiracy have released the 4th episode of Trey Jones‘ “Trey’s World” series with his brother Jabe Jones and Jesco Jones. As always, the show starts out with a slam, gets into some of the goodness that went down the past week and more. CHeck it out!

Trey’s World Episode #4 featuring Trey, Jabe, and Jesco Jones. An off the cuff look at BMX and why it’s AWESOME! Check back every other week for a new episode featuring Trey and the gang!

This Weeks Topics:
– Jesco’s Clip of the Week (Gnarlyest)
Native Land 3 (Dakota Roche)
– Nora Cup Predictions Recap
Nathan Williams Nora Cup Award
– Trey & Jabe in Hastings, England
– Trey & Jabe at Source Park
– Battle Of Hastings Highlights
– This Week’s “Top 10!”
– Hairstyle of the week
– Trey’s World Hat Giveaway “Announced!” (Best Middle Name For Jesco)
– Musical Guest” – The Shadow Conspiracy

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