Categories: BMX Videos

United “Downtime” – Full Video


So, unless you were already drunk by the time the video was released yesterday, there’s a good chance you already watched the United “Downtime” video. If you haven’t, well, stop reading and press play already. I’ve watched the video twice already and I’m not only really impressed, but I’ve come to a few conclusions that I tweeted which you can check out after the jump…

There’s more that I could say for conclusions but I figured 7 was more than enough reasons. It’s Christmas so there’s a good chance you don’t have anything going on today so kick back and watch this already. Happy Holidays everyone!

Full length United Downtime dvd from December 2011 now online for your viewing pleasure. This dvd was originally available with The Albion BMX Magazine #5

Between mid January and the end of June 2011, following the release of our most recent full length DVD ‘This Is United’, we rented a small vacation apartment in Huntington Beach.

During this time, team riders from our pro, am and world teams flew out to visit, ride, relax, film some clips and soak up some of that Californian lifestyle.

Featuring: Nathan Williams, Ryan Lloyd, Corey Martinez. Alex Valentino, Ashley Charles, Ryan Metro, Luke Peeters, Geoff Slattery, Roy Van Kempen, Dan Boiski, Jimmy Rushmore, Christian Rigal, Kye Forte, Leo Forte & Dean Hearne.

All music listed in the credits”

You can download this on iTunes by visiting the United site.