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USA BMX Freestyle Launches 2020 BMX Park Amateurs Series


USA BMX Regional QualifierUSA BMX Regional Qualifier

With pretty much every event being shut down due to the COVID-19 pandemic for the foreseeable future, there have been a few unique events to pop up to keep things moving forward. USA BMX, which primarily focuses on the racing side of things, have announced a new amateur freestyle contest to set things up for when things get opened back up. The 2020 BMX Park Amateurs Series is an online based video contest that will be split over different categories and regions across the U.S. This is open to all amateur riders and it will culminate in a National Championship in December, either in person or digitally depending how things progress. Check out more details below and then get to filming your 45 second park runs!

USA BMX – the largest BMX racing organization in North America – announced today the debut of the USA BMX Freestyle Amateur Series that will launch a virtual, BMX amateur series, to host a live national championship in December. Today through October 3, 2020, amateur riders from 12 regions will be invited to submit a 45-second video through USA BMX Freestyle Instagram using any indoor or outdoor park of their preference for their run. Classes for male and female riders will include: 10 and under Sport Class, 11-14 Sport Class, 15 and over Sport Class, Masters (40+ Amateur), Expert (Open). Pending the regression of the ongoing pandemic, and based on regional qualifiers virtually, the top three riders in all classes from each region would advance to the National Championships either virtually or a live competition, to be held in December, depending on several factors.

“After spending six months visiting with a broad spectrum of influencers in BMX and brainstorming with focus groups, it became apparent that creating a platform for the development of freestyle amateurs is mission-critical,” said USA BMX Freestyle president, Shane Fernandez. “During these discussions, it was inspiring to witness the overarching and authentic passion for empowering the future stars of BMX Freestyle. This program will be the foundation upon which we build a blueprint for riders to gain access to the necessary tools to elevate both their skills and to broaden their mindset. The long-term vision aligns opportunity and mentorship for our riders and reaches far beyond just the creation of events.”

There is no cost to enter the Regional Championships bracket only a USA BMX Freestyle membership is required. Nationally renowned judges will review video submissions, and the intent would be to host a live event for the National Championships December 11-13, 2020.

Video submission rules are as follows:
Riders and video team shall abide by the rules, regulations, and guidelines of local authorities having jurisdiction over COVID-19 compliance protocols
Riders must wear a helmet
Riders are allowed to select any indoor or outdoor park of their preference
Video submissions shall be uncut and not exceed 45 seconds
The 2021 series will kick off immediately after the new year. A bracket will be added in Spring to include a State Championship bracket. The vision of USA BMX Freestyle for the series is to continue to be a hybrid format incorporating access and opportunity for all riders using virtual judging up through the State Championship bracket. The long-term goal is to eventually have both the Regional and National Championship be live events to expose the riders to the pressure and dynamics of the live competitive arena.

To foster opportunity through the creative arts and to promote the dynamics of teamwork, the USA BMX Foundation will divide an award of $4500 between the top three most innovative videos submitted. All videos submitted during both the Regional and National competition brackets are eligible for review. A separate judging panel will review the top 10 videos selected by USA BMX Freestyle to identify the 2020 winning video production teams. The innovative video submission is an independent contest and does not impact a rider’s advancement in the Freestyle competition or the judging criteria associated with their run.” – USA BMX

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