
Vans have released Kevin Peraza’s “Illustrated” section online for your viewing pleasure!

We’re always so stoked when Vans release another section from their “Illustrated” video online! Here’s another BANGER for you to enjoy. This time around we get Kevin Peraza‘s section that is loaded with some phenomenal riding from skateparks, trails and street spots. Kevin brings a unique style to everything he touches and it’s safe to say he went all out for this section because this has to be his best video we’ve seen out of him. Hit play and watch this one a couple times because this is absolute FIRE from start to finish.

Want to see more from the “Illustrated” video?

Vans – “Illustrated” Pat Casey, Cory Nastazio and Tyler Fernengel

Vans – “Illustrated” Utah Section

La Familia Section

Vans – “Illustrated” Scotty Cranmer Section

Kevin Peraza produced one of his most original video parts to date with a mix of perfect park and street riding, Kevin pulled some tricks he’s been planning for over ten years in his hometown and abroad. With help from his younger brothers, he got his last two bangers in a single day and lived to tell the tale.

“Crazy Man” by Josefus
Bank Robber Music”

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