Venture Further – South East Asia Trip – Part 2: Malaysia


I still haven’t really figured out what Venture Further is… But I do know that Malaysia looks amazing and these guys all threw down some awesome riding on a bunch of street and crazy parks. Take a look!

In the beginning of the year, Further flew Devon Smillie, Brad Simms, Jason Phelan, JB Peytavit and David Budko to South East Asia. 3 weeks, 3 countries (Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia) and 5 riders who have never been on a trip together…
After Singapore the guys crossed the border into Malaysia to check out South East Asia’s only dirt spot, one of the region’s best parks, plenty of street spots as well as a big cave with lots of smelly shoes and a waterfall…what more could you wish for?!
Check it out! We hope you like it!
Filmed and edited by Philip Kölsch
Title design by Christoph Roos