Verde x Ten Pack BMX – Ottawa / Montreal Summer Tour 2011


This is AWESOME. Psyched on ALL of Wade Lajlar’s clips too. This is what I call a must see of the day!

The Ten Pack distro crew invited the Verde team to Canada so Kevin Kiraly, Drew York and Wade Lajlar headed north to hit up some parks and street spots around Ottawa and Montreal for a week. Special thanks to Harley and the guys at Ten Pack for making this tour possible. Also, shout outs to the guys at Joe Momma shop, Marseille Bicycles and Le Taz Skatepark for hooking up the private session.

Check out this edit on the Ten Pack BMX Vimeo Channel:Vimeo

Filmed and Edited by Will Stroud
Additional filming by Harley Haskett & Pierre Gauthier
Photography by Harley Haskett
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