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Wethepeople – Alon Kosoy “After Work Activities”


Alon Kosoy is throwing down after work!

We’re always stoked when we see Alon Kosoy‘s name pop up! Here’s his latest for Wethepeople where he put every rail, ledge and stairset in sight to proper use! One Alon is off work, the dude is crushing it. Take a look!

Wethepeople’s Alon Kosoy returns to your screens with another belter of a video. The dude’s progression has been pretty wild over the last few years, and he doesn’t show any signs of slowing down. Enjoy!

Filmed by: Fred Bernshtein, Sasha Kozhokar, Tomer Benish, Nir Shukurov and more…
Editing by: Alon Kosoy
Song by: Fresh & Low – New Life” – DIG

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