
A few weeks back Wethepeople sent Dillon Lloyd, Jordan Godwin, Jared Chilko, Dean Hartley and Justin Hughes to Vancouver to explore the cities street spots and stack clips! Here is a video that’s packed full of clips the crew stacked throughout the trip! Despite an injury or two, it looks like the crew all hand an amazing time working on this one. Check it!

WeThePeople’s Dillon Lloyd, Jordan Godwin, Dean Hartley, Justin Hughes, and Jared Chilko go van-less in Vancouver for 7 days, cruising the streets and using the city’s dialed public transportation system along the way. Dialed technical lines throughout, a shit-load of back-wheel balance, and one hell of a banger make this one a must-watch. Unfortunately the OG of the trip Jared Chilko got taken out on day zero, but aside from that the trip was absolutely amazing. Shouts to the WTP squad on this trip and OGC for making the accommodations!” – Ride BMX