Wethepeople – Jordan Godwin Welcome Video


If you weren’t already a Jordan Godwin fan, this welcome to Wethepeople video should do the trick! Watch as Jordan shows you that he’s a true grind technician with some crazy grind combos and lines that will leave you stoked. There’s even a few bigger clips like a massive 360 down a stair set that you’ll want to see as well! Plus, the filming and editing in this is damn good, too! All in all, this is a BMX video you won’t want to pass up!

You might not know who Jordan Godwin is, which is about right since he hails from South Wales and a town you’ve probably never heard of. Hopefully though, after watching this introductory video you’ll be more familiar with him. The kid shreds basically and we are more than excited to welcome him to the WTP family.

Filmed & Edited by Cal Earnshaw”

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