
The second round of Perfect Strangers from Wethepeople has arrived. This time around their U.S AM squad go to work on street spots around Los Angeles! Hit play to check out heat from Logan Penberg, Riley Smith, and Justin Koebele! This one does not disappoint!

After watching this, go watch the first Wethepeple Perfect Strangers video!

WeThePeople has always boasted insanely progressive riders on their team. And that doesn’t stop with the pro ranks—their AM squad is no fucking joke, too. And they’ve done a good job established that with their new Perfect Strangers series. After recently getting acquainted with WTP’s upcoming Euro squad, Tom Weikert, Dan Banks and Wiktor Skibinski, sit back and get ready for their Stateside AMs, Logan Penberg, Riley Smith, and Justin Koebele. These dudes put a hurting on spots all over LA.

Film/Edit: Grant Castelluzzo” – Our BMX

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