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What Is Needed For A Gyro / Detangler Setup On A BMX Bike


With brakes starting to become more and more popular as of late thanks to a handful of Pro’s throwing the stoppers back on, there’s been a handful of people looking into how to setup a Detangler or Gyro setup (Gyro is a brand but kind of took on a generic name for the item, similar to how people call tissues Kleenex) for their BMX bike. As always, BMX brake aficionado Brant Moore has delivered a video explaining everything you will need to setup your bike with a gyro / detangler. This covers everything from the basics to some of the modifications he has made to improve the overall braking power. Hit play and take it all in, then throw some brakes on your bike to open up that trick list!

A FULL list of everything needed to set up BMX Brakes!
This video covers the entire list as well as gives some explanation and insight behind different options available for certain parts on the list.
” – Brant Moore

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