Check out the new Wheels Squared BMX Show rig!
Over the years we’ve seen a bunch of different setups that the show riders out there use. A lot of the rigs are big and pretty bulky. Well, Jared Eberwein has cooked up a new rig that all fits on a trailer for his motorcycle. Here’s a video where you get a look at the rig, along with Jared throwing down on the kicker and landing. This is pretty rad.
“This moment has been a long time coming, since the beginning of Wheels Squared. My timeline didn’t go anywhere near as I planned, but man am I grateful to reach the point I am with this wild adventure. The Road Glide has already been in motion and performing, and I wanted to create this video right away once I converted the Road Glide, but not everything pans out in a perfect order, and that’s alright. I still never really had a statement to showcase the new Road Glide and the revamping of my setup, but here we go!!! Hope you like it.
Filmed & Edited by Zach Peacock
Song – After Dark by Mr. Kitty
Location – Baja Design Headquarters” – Jared Eberwein
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