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X-Games Scraps

Sorry for the lack of posts the last few days… It has been a mix of too much sitting in a car, getting to the X-Games, riding a few schools, and lack of wi-fi for me to steal… Here are a few scrap photos and some words from the last few days for me…

The first photo above is Brian Kachinsky doing some manly toothpick grind during the street contest. The contest was actually pretty wild. It’s definitely a weird situation when you see all of the top street guys all together destroying rails, and all that fun stuff right in front of you.

I should probably clarify that I don’t think I am a “photographer” or anything… I’m trying, but not quite yet ready for that title. I have a few things in mind that would make shooting contests like this more…simplistic. That would be a telephoto lens. That is on my next purchase list, that and a fisheye, and a few flashes… then maybe I’ll think about that title when I can pull together some better photos. For the time being I’ll have a few sub-par and lucky shots that I use for this site and on the Dig site when I have to.

This was my first X-Games experience… I feel like maybe… just maybe the people behind the park contest this year read my blog post I called “X-Games Flop” last year and made the required changes for me to change my perspective. That isn’t true, but I was actually pretty stoked on how they did the park course this year. I was also stoked on another pass to add to my collection.
It’s kind of funny and ironic how when I was in high school they required us to wear lanyard’s with our I.D’s in them, and we would do whatever we could to not wear them. The teachers always said “In the real world you will wear lanyards for work”… little did I know how right they would be.

This wasn’t my first time I had the chance to watch Corey ride… I can’t think of where else I have seen him ride before right now, but it did happen… I think. However, if I could ride half as stylish and half as good in general as him, I’d be a happy dude. That and if I could pull chicks half as hot as the ones he does I’d be stoked on that too.

I’ve been bumping into Dennis a whole bunch lately. Chicago Dew Tour, then a session at Clairemont in San Diego, the burrito shop, the Nike Contest, and now the X-Games. It’s definitely not a bad thing since Dennis is one nice dude.

Diogo Canina had a hell of a day… After the first round of the finals the board lit up saying the top 5 guys who made it to finals in park today, he was in first place. Everyone mistook that the contest was over and he freaked out, I would have too, all to realize it was a mistake. Diogo ended up in second place, but he still rode real well.

Ryan Guettler has been kicking a lot of ass in BMX as of late. It’s crazy to think how much money there is in BMX if you are winning contests… needless to say he isn’t doing too bad with winning a lot lately. He didn’t win at the X-Games, but he made the top 5. I’m sure there was a check for him for that too.

That is just a few photos I had that I didn’t use over on the Dig site. I’ll try and pull together a few more photos here for another post later.. but it’s 1:35 a.m here (3:35 a.m where I am from) so I am tired.

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Tags: X-Games

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