Zach Krejmas Joins Full Factory As Filmer


Zach Krejmas will be taking over full-time filmer duty for Full Factory and its brands…

Zach Krejmas Full Factory BMXZach Krejmas Full Factory BMX

Here’s some news for you! Zach Krejmas has joined Full Factory Distribution as a full-time filmer for Odyssey, Sunday Bikes, GSport and Fairdale Bikes. That should mean we’ll be seeing more dialed videos from all of those brands in the near future! Get the official word below…

Please welcome Zach Krejmas to the Full Factory camp!

We’re happy to announce that Zach will be the new videographer working out of our Southern California office. Not only does Zach know his way around a camera, but he is a shredder in front of it as well. Overall, he is the perfect addition to our crew and we’re looking forward to starting some exciting new projects with him.” –