Scotty Cranmer‘s daily videos from the X-Games continue. Today we get a look at a bunch of footage he collected during the first day of practice, along with some insight from Big Boy and some extra behind the scenes action. Check it out!
“Day 3 of my XGAMES behind the scenes video series we start off with our first practice session on the course and it was amazing! I started feeling out my run and sending some tricks that I have planned. Also I put a few clips of some of the other riders in my practice heat too like Dennis Enarson and the defending gold medalist Daniel sandoval! After practice I went over to the Big Air area and I did a video chat for Skype with an awesome fan named Beatrice! She knew so much about my riding it was amazing! Then I met up with the Fox Racing team manager to get some riding clothes for the week! I end off the video with me getting back to the hotel after attending the Vans team dinner in downtown! It was an awesome day and it’s only going to get better as the week goes on!”
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