It’s always awesome seeing what riders are getting into “after BMX” so to speak. Sandy Carson is still shooting photos, but has put a lot of his time and effort into the music world around Austin, Texas. Sandy has been super busy working on a new photobook and 7 inch Record from the Black Angels and The Sword and is doing a crowdfunding campaign to raise the funds to make it happen! The book features a ton of amazing photos that documents the crowds at hundreds of shows and festivals and it looks like it turned out awesome. If you’re into music, this is definitely one you will want to check out. To make things even better, there’s also a ton of perks from Fairdale, Vans and more! You can get the full scoop on the book, all the crazy perks for supporting the project and more RIGHT HERE!
“To support and pre-order book, go here-
WE WERE THERE is a hardcover book dedicated to concert fandom, shot over a decade in Austin, Texas 2007-2017. This project explores the symbiotic relationship between rock concert fans, the bands, and myself, the photographer at music festivals. It is also a self-portrait of a music fan, musician, and photographer, who has been on both sides of the stage, barrier, and photo pit. Without the band there are no fans; without the fans, there is no band. One just cannot exist without the other!
Book comes with a 7-inch flexi disk vinyl featuring the Black Angels and The Sword. Coming fall 2017 on Daylight Books.”