There’s a really great post up on the Stranger website that Rich Hirsch wrote giving some really solid life advice on career paths, college and how he got to where he is today as the owner of multiple businesses. You can check out the post right here — It Chooses You. We strongly suggest checking it out, especially if you have ever considered making a go at running a business based around BMX.

This post resonated well with me because my route to running a business in BMX had a some what similar route. I did finish high school, but didn’t finish college due to opportunities I pursued that allowed me to travel, learn photography, graphic design, website design and more on my own terms. It also lead me to learning how to run a business from marketing to taxes and how to incorporate a business. It is far more than it might seem on the day to day. I’ve never stopped learning and continue to learn anything and everything I can in and outside of BMX. For example, I fixed a furnace last night which was pretty fun since it was a new challenge when it would have been easier to just call a professional… The route of starting your own business isn’t for everyone and the more traditional track to a career might be for the best, and there is nothing wrong with that. At the same time, it’s also a lesson that has nothing to do with business and more of an indicator that if you want to do something, there’s nothing wrong with pursuing it even if it’s a path that is frowned upon by society. As long as it’s something you enjoy, then there’s nothing wrong with pursuing it. Much like Rich mentions in his post, you never know what you might be doing in 10 years, but just staying driven and motivated is huge to finding success wherever direction you go.

Check out Rich’s post on the Stranger site right here.

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