Check out how the 2024 A Light In The Dark Jam went down over in the U.K!

Dan Allington Stretching Out

The annual A Light In The Dark Jam that Nik Ford has been putting together to help raise funds for CALM, an organization that works to prevent suicide and help with people’s mental health over in the U.K, went down for the 5th time earlier this month. This event that helps support an amazing cause has been growing with each event, raising more funds to help support people in crisis, always looks like such a good time. Nik sent over a quick write up and a few photos to give us a look at what went down this year. As expected, there was plenty of people that turned out and no shortage of dialed riding and good times that were had. Check out the write up and photos below!

Ethan Mumford spinning the bars

All photos by Nik Ford

Saturday 14th September was the 5th A Light In The Dark BMX Jam in support of the Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) at my hometown skatepark in Stratford upon Avon, UK.

CALM’s vision is that no one feels like suicide is their only option. But right now, too many people are struggling to see a way forward. Every day in the UK we lose 18 people to suicide. That’s why CALM exist to help anyone struggling with life and provide everyone with the skills to help prevent suicide.

Louis Bezanson grind

September 10th is World Suicide Prevention Day and this is why I hold the ALITD Jam on the Saturday after. It also ties into the metaphor behind the event name, as we move into autumn and the nights are starting to get darker, but the skatepark has lights on in the evening and will always be a safe place to centre yourself.

The event has grown year on year, and this year we set a new record total of ……..£601.89p !

This will fund 49 potentially life saving phone calls to CALM, just think about that figure. It’s a massive number, imagine 49 people in front of you that will go home to their loved ones, or meet their mates at the skatepark tomorrow, maybe pop round their nans after work or meet a friend in town, that might not have, without CALM providing somewhere they can reach out to. You can contact CALM free every night in the UK between 5pm and midnight if you are struggling.

Dan Allington flair

The evening had an awesome vibe and everyone was riding so good and chilling even better! We ran 3 jams, hips, grinds and spine/mini, all of which had an AM, Pro and Masters category.

Some stand out shredding from the Masters, Rico Ferguson, Tom Elliott, Ethan Mumford and Sam Righton. In Pro it was rad to see George Hall, Louis “Pijin” Bezanson and Jacob Davis go in on the ledges and Dan Allington kill it on the spine. Shout to the AM riders, James Tudor and Oliver Wells who who shone in the grind comp.

Oliver Wells smith grind

Thank you to all the riders, spectators, friends, family, the team at work, the event sponsors, Eastern Bikes, Fogstar Drift and Rico at Classic Clouds, all the people a little further away that sent money via PayPal to donate in support of this years, A Light In The Dark BMX Jam. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Please remember that there is always a light in the dark my friends. ” – Nik Ford

Nik Ford grinding between running the event

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Tags: Nik Ford

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