Mario Carrasco hit us with a link to this weeks ABQ DNV video which features a mix from the Los Altos park out in Albuquerque! Hit that play button to take in all of its goodness!

With running back and forth a lot between ABQ and DNV I tend to ride a decent amount of parks along the way. I recently had a chance to ride my home park Los Altos in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Los Altos has always been home to some crazy riding from all different types of people. As well some of the craziest parties and general situations growing up from fights, shootings, and car fires, you name it Altos had it. The park has come a long way from what it once was but it’s still a great place to run into some friends and have a good time. While at Los Altos I had a chance to film with some good friends and young shredders, Johnny Atencio and Adam Accardi. Every Time I see these two they have gotten better and better between learning new tricks too dialing in old ones, Its great to see that Los Altos is still pumping shredders out.

Music – P-Tech Santiago – 1984

Riders –
Johnny Atencio
Adam Accardi

Additional Filming – Gilbert Montoya”

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