Accent Collaboration – Dombai Andras Cruising the BP


Not only is this new Accent Collaboration edit loaded up with goodness from Dombai Andras’ street missions around Budapest, but I didn’t know that Buda and Pest were two separate places… Awesome! Check this out. You won’t be disappointed.

Here is Dombai Andras’s latest collection of clips exploring the massive and historic city of Budapest, Hungary. An attention to exploring older parts of the city where many do not travel is part of what makes Dombai’s outlook very unique. Budapest is technically two cities split apart by the Danube river. The west side being Buda and the east being Pest. Most of these clips are from Pest. Half of these spots look like old-time relics of the past and with the modern technical approach of Dombai’s bmx riding it really creates this unique contrast of time. Filmed by Marko Nyerusaji, Gergo Guti, Oszi Egervari and edited by Dombai Andras himself.

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