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Adidas – Cruising Barcelona With Colin Varanyak


Colin Varanyak put spots in Barcelona to work!

During a recent trip to Barcelona, Colin Varanyak went to work with Peter Adam behind the lens on spots around Barcelona, Spain for Adidas! Colin has been on fire lately, so you already know he was able to cook up a ton of dialed riding on everything he came across. Check this out because it’s too good to miss!

Presented by Adidas Five Ten, join BMX rider Colin Varanyak and videographer Peter Adam as they make their way through the culturally rich BMX-friendly architecture of Barcelona. After not being able to travel due to Covid-19 travel restrictions, Colin takes us on his first week-long international filming trip following the pandemic. With Peter Adam behind the lens and BCN at their feet, the two hit the streets and made magic.

Film/Edit: Peter Adam” – Our BMX

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