
The past year has been rough, keeping a lot of us home to keep distance from everyone. The Alliance BMX guys kept themselves entertained with a few small ramps they built to keep things going. Chec out what they built and what they threw down!

It has now been almost a year since we had a video of Christian Ziegler on our website in which his farm was presented. Today there is a round of supplies, because the barn of the said property has been very busy in the past few months. But the best thing to do is to let Christian’s partner aka Stefan “Magga” Marker have his say, who not only stands behind the counter at Alliance BMX, but also kindly passed us the great video above:” – Freedom BMX

Christian made his barn available this winter to use it
we had a place to drive in the dark and cold season.
We usually met once a week to roll and / or build ramps together. Since there was only little space, the setup was changed every session to prevent boredom. There were really a lot of interesting obstacles that we tried out. Despite all the restrictions that existed due to well-known circumstances, it was one of the most intense BMX winters we’ve both had in a long time. We haven’t been together in so many sessions in a while
“- Stefan Marker

Video: Stefan “Magga” marker
Music: DJ Goldfinger

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