Anthony Napolitan Almost Died Front Flipping A Fence


We’re not sure how he managed to walk away from this one without a metal spike through his body…

Over the years we have seen Anthony Napolitan do A LOT of super gnarly things on a BMX bike, and a few hilarious things off his bike, too. Today, however, this clips surfaced online of him trying to front flip over a fence at a skatepark out in California. Anthony came up short and bailed, and somehow landed on TOP of the fence without impaling himself with one of the many stakes that could have easily penetrated his body like it was a piece of meat. We’re really stoked Anthony is okay, but this was WAY too close for comfort. I have a feeling his wife wasn’t too pumped on this one, and she’s one of the most easy going people we have ever met! Below you can find another version of the clip DailyMail uploaded with a better look at what happened… This is seriously madness.

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