AVE BMX Tour 2013 – Częstochowa x Gdańsk trip


This is rad. The AVE BMX guys over in Poland recently took a trip to two different skateparks and threw jams with all the locals to come out for. This video gives you a look at the big turn outs and riding that went down. BMX is definitely very strong over in Poland these days. So stoked on that!

Filmed & Edited by: Mateusz Kanownik – mateuszkanownik.com/
Motion graphics by Wojciech Polak – vimeo.com/wojtekpolak
Music: Jimi Hendrix & Wu Tang Clan – Wind Cries Mary, Daft Punk vs. Justice – L.U.C.K.Y.
Equipment: Canon 7d, Samyang 8mm 3.5, Sigma 17-70mm 2.8-4, Samyang 85mm 1.4, Glidecam 2000 HD

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