
We haven’t seen a ton of footage from Dewey LaMarre in the past, but after seeing this new BMX video the BCave crew dropped, we’re definitely stoked on the guy. Watch him slay some street spots bringing good style and a solid bag of tricks. Well worth the minute and a half!

A BCAVECRÜ PRODUCTION. This is Dewey, he’s a mostly-reformed skateboarder. He throws himself into bike riding the same way people at the end of their rope throw themselves into crack addiction. At 10 pm he’ll start pacing our living room mumbling something about the park and off he goes. He sometimes makes his girlfriend come watch, even when its cold. She usually brings a blanket. Dewey recently has been getting hooked up by Madera through CIRCUIT BMX and made this video of bike stunts on select obstacles. We hope you enjoy, he sure did.” – Chris Childs

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