Brian Tunney is back with an edit from his fall 2024 sessions!
We’re always stoked when Brian Tunney has a new video to check out! Here’s his latest batch of footage from his garage flatland sessions he had over the past few months. As always, Brian delivers with the good stuff. Take a look!
“Holy crap, it’s the end of December and I’ve somehow struggled to cobble together 20 links from inside the garage over October, November, and December. But nothing came easy for the past three months. I had some specific trouble getting into “the zone” (sorry, I know that sounds cheesy) and instead of taking breaks, I doubled and tripled down on attempts and ended up flat out over-training myself for a few weeks in there. (That left me fatigued, moody, and unable to calm my heart rate.) I am hoping to avoid that pattern now and just need to remember that sometimes, fun, simple riding is easier than trying something over and over for hours and hours of time, only to film it once and never do it again. As much as I love that pursuit, sometimes it’s just not worth the battles. So next year might be a little more mellow. We’ll see what my doctor says….
00:00 – This shit took at least 3-4 different weekends to get right. It’s nothing crazy, just a double whip to undertaker to smith. BUT… you’ve gotta slow the double whip momentum way down to get the undertaker to smith to happen. So, after many tries and fails, I reduced the back wheel tire pressure to 60 and it happened. I am not smart but at least this is done.
00:18 – Triple juggler to invisible hand to steam to around the world. Even with the These Arms Are Snakes demos playing, this took a long time to get right and in frame. I initially did this on a Saturday and wasn’t happy with how it looked so this is the Sunday version.
00:45 – Peg wheelie to power mower to me taking my sweet ass time deciding whether or not I want to do a peg to peg decade. Ultimately, I went for it.
01:03 – Double barspin to peg to peg decade.
01:14 – Double juggler to smith decade.
01:34 – Pegs to gerator to backwards wheelie to peg to peg decade. Why did I waste my time doing this? Cause I never did it before. Did it make me a better bike rider? No.
01:48 – Juggler to steam to backwards hitch to push off the wall. I am not a huge fan of the push off object movement in flatland but sometimes riding in a two-car garage calls for it.
02:10 – Double juggler to infinity roll to backwards boomerang. Sometimes when I can’t land something, I wear this silly captain’s hat to coerce myself into doing it, and sometimes it actually works. This is one of those times.
02:38 – Power mower to undertaker to smith. I did this once in 2021 right before moving back to Austin. No notes.
02:47 – Juggler to steam to barflip to juggler. I’d like to experiment more with these but haven’t gotten around to it yet.
03:09 – Pedal undertaker to smith. I landed and immediately ran into the wall, did a haphazard endo and watched as the ladder leaning against the wall fell onto the camera. Hence, the quick cut off here to avoid the calamity that followed.
03:16 – This is a concession trick to something else that wasn’t happening that day, and watching it is tough for me cause I barely slept that night. The following day, I ended up going to urgent care with chest pain and the doctor said, “whatever you did yesterday was stressful, so don’t do it again.”
03:36 – This was my first feeler trick after going to urgent care and it was super fun but it’s also one of those keep it mellow links.
03:47 – I decided to try elbow glides again. Turning them in a slight circle to stay in the garage was a learning process, but this was a fun way to keep things mellow and not-stress filled. I tried to do a switch elbow glide at the end of this but it’s more of an elbow acknowledgement than glide.
04:04 – Half lash to barspin to undertaker, no notes.
04:17 – More elbow glides. This starts with an elbow glide then goes to invisible hand to juggler.
04:35 – The inside circle switch foot elbow glide also came back. This one went to infinity roll to barspin undertaker because everything I do is completely predictable at this point in my life.
04:58 – Elbow glide to four jugglers.
05:18 – Once I started with elbow glides, everything got put on the table. So they seem repetitive but there are a few nuances in here. This is elbow glide to invisible hand to hitch to regular juggler to one-handed juggler.
05:38 – And this is super scrappy but that’s what happens when you go into the garage without a plan and just let the freestyle happen. It’s an inside circle switch foot elbow glide to rope-a-roni scuff/sketch to undertaker that seriously almost did not happen. I literally had to push for the bike to go vertical, jump, and hold on. Not knowing something is gonna happen, but holding on and seeing what happens is a big part of why I’m still here.
Thanks for watching in 2024. I can’t promise much more in the new year but I’ll probably have a few videos to post.” – Brian Tunney