It’s a new month and that means that it’s time for Brian Tunney to beat up some tennis players put together some fresh clips from the flatland sessions he got in. As always, Brian delivers with some great riding, and a song selection you probably haven’t heard before. This one also comes with a few words on an unexpected struggle caused by COVID below! Check it out!

Granted, the world is falling apart more and more each day, but here’s the issue I had in July, which is hardly an issue by any standards: I’ve been riding at this outside court near my house for a while now. The place where I ride has no basketball hoops and is typically used by me, skateboarders or one guy that’s really good at jumping rope. But the local tennis courts are closed, so there’s been an influx of tennis players bringing their own nets into the area to try to play tennis. It’s not my area and they can do what they want in the area, but the problem has arisen when they ask me to to move so that they can play tennis.

For the past 30-something years, I’ve been viciously kicked off tennis courts for riding there, and while I understand the no bikes allowed mindset, I’m also a little bit defensive when tennis players come to the place where I now ride and ask me to leave. So there’s been a few tense moments over the past month, with me saying that I ride here all the time, etc, etc. It’s not made riding more fun in the least. Again, this is a non-issue in the grand scheme of things, but I’m still resentful when people participating in other activities deem my activity lesser than theirs, which seems to happen often with Redondo Beach tennis players.

Having said all that, here’s a minute and a half of riding squeezed in between tense altercations with bitter tennis players not allowed to play tennis on tennis courts. Have a great day.” – Brian Tunney

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Tags: Brian Tunney

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