Maybe it’s the whole getting older thing, but time seriously flies by these days. November has already burned by us and we’re into December. With a new month comes a new edit from Brian Tunney to enjoy! Here’s a mix of clips Brian whipped up from his sessions that he got in. Like pretty much all of us, he got hooked on one particular trick and tried to see how many ways he could mix it into things and really dial it in. Needless to say, this is a real solid watch if you’re looking for some flatland goodness. Check it out!
“Full disclosure here: The first beach clip (lawnmower to undertaker) was filmed in late October after I finished the October video. Following that day, we went to Thailand for 10 days, so I didn’t start riding again until Nov. 10. But in the time off the bike, I became weirdly obsessed with undertakers, as evidenced by this video. So I decided to basically devote a month to the long lost art of the classic 80’s undertaker, and this is the result.
A bit of background here: When undertakers first arrived on the scene in BMX, I was 12-13 and not very big. Not that I’ve grown into a huge adult or anything, but undertakers on a classic ’80s BMX bike for a 12-year-old were next to impossible. I just couldn’t reach the bars during the underneath transition portion. So I basically just moved on to things I could do and forgot about undertakers. A few years ago, I started messing with them again but always got to a weird point where they became tougher with each attempt to do them. So again, I had to forget about them for a while and start anew.
Now, finally, at age 45, over 30 years after the undertaker debuted on the BMX scene, I’m getting a little more grasp on them. That grasp will assuredly go away when I least expect it, but this video is slight proof that for one month in 2019, I could kinda do them. Sorry for what comes across to me as a cocky intro, and thanks as always to Mark Kozelek for lighting the way.” – Brian Tunney