It’s a new month and like clockwork Brian Tunney has delivered once again with a fresh edit giving us a look at what he got into during his flatland sessions over the course of November! Although he was still fighting issues with his neck and back, it looks like he was still able to get some productive sessions in at his new place. Take a look!

At the beginning of the month, I was still enduring some pretty serious side effects of the pinched nerve in my neck. I couldn’t really use my left arm and everything from sleeping to sitting at a desk caused me pain. But with help from the fine folks at Airrosti Physical Therapy, I was beginning to see a light at the end of the tunnel.
Then we finally moved into our new house, and the stress of that had me back in physical therapy. But as things were unpacked and we began to settle into a somewhat normal existence, I could feel things loosening up in my arm, neck and shoulder.
I’m still not better. There are residual flare ups and occasional spasms, but on November 14, I decided that enough was enough and I needed to ride. I started out very mellow and intend to keep it that way for at least another month, which is where the garage comes into play….
I have a garage spot now! And it’s great to have a riding spot at home, but it’s also kinda small and not a place where I can get into complex rolling moves. So for now, it’s gonna be my “safety spot” to mess around in.
As for this month’s riding, it’s nothing new or spectacular but it’s two weeks of me getting the feeling back after a month off the bike. I missed it very much.
” – Brian Tunney

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Tags: Brian Tunney

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