It’s already November?

October has flown by and once again we’re wondering where the month went. As always, Brian Tunney has a fresh video giving us a look at what he got into during his flatland sessions over the course of the past month. Once again, Brian delivers with some great riding, a few laughs and a proper break down below! Take a look.

1. Started with the latest low-impact crash I had. I lived. The bike just needs to remind me who’s in charge every now and again.
2. What I was trying in number one: a tailwhip to switch foot gerator to junkyard to undertaker. Nothing too crazy but fun.
3. I had never done a backwards rolling ankledeath before, for good reason. You’re basically blind aiming to get your foot back on the pedal.
4. Improvising: I didn’t even know what was going to happen here and just let it happen, then naturally went to undertaker. The landing of the undertaker here makes me laugh cause it looks like I’m having a brain fart and holding on for dear life.
5. Try to do this once a year cause I used to really enjoy them. Now it’s just kinda work.
6. Just a barspin-barspin back undertaker.
7. And then my brain went here: do that but add a cancan at the end….
8. My normal rolling combo ended badly.
9. My normal rolling combo with a hitch at the end.
10. Just a stalled undertaker to rope-a-roni.
11. The behemoth that almost did me in this month: An undertaker to rope-a-roni to undertaker. This thing took two hours and 40 minutes of attempts to land and finally came together right before my brain and body were ready to give up. Here’s the kicker: I tried it casually one morning and came really close to landing it within 5 minutes. Then a few days later, after committing time to land it, it became impossible. Once I got it, I was very happy to never have to do it again, so enjoy it here.
” – Brian Tunney

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Tags: Brian Tunney

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