[smooth=id:9;] All photos courtesy of Tristan Thiel - tristanthiel.com
Pretty decent turn out, yeah? This wasn't even the high point in people at the park for the day. Every…
"Misled Clothing held their 2nd annual "BMX Bash" in Cincinnati, OH recently, so I made my way up to document…
[nggallery id=2] *Click on images in gallery to see full resolution. The finals from Red Bull's Dreamline went down this…
[galleryview id=1 showPanels=true showCaptions=false showFilmstrip=true panelWidth=900 panelHeight=500 panelScale=nocrop transitionSpeed=800 transitionInterval=4000 fadePanels=true frameWidth=60 frameHeight=40 filmstripPosition=bottom pointerSize=8 frameScale=crop frameGap=5 frameOpacity=0.3 easingValue=swing navTheme=light…
"It’s a shame that Mike Tag was diagnosed with cancer. However, we can pull together, and help a fellow rider…
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