
Here’s a short but sweet one featuring Chad DeGroot getting some riding in at the Daytona Skatepark. One thing we’re always stoked about when Chad puts out a new BMX video, is the riding is always unique and different than what we see every day. Hit play and enjoy!

Been riding so much flatland lately and had visions of trying some tricks I have not done in awhile but on my flat machine at the park. Namely the tail whip from the back pegs. First did this in 2006 so today was the day to make it happen again. I was not taking NO for an answer or leave with my tail between my legs. Early bird got the worm. Pulled three of them today and that made my day. Made my month. Could not leave Daytona park without riding the rest of the place and my flat bike felt so good. Thanks to @profileracing @decobmx #decobmx #profileZcoaster Full video from this day on the DECOBMX09 Youtube channel” -Chad DeGroot @chaddegroot

Music – “Do What U Feel” by Redman

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