It’s never good getting bad news, but fortunately this new one from Freedom BMX featuring Christian Gattinger isn’t actually bad news at all. Hit play for over 2 minutes of action from the streets of Germany!
“Here are some leftovers from Christian Gattinger’s entry to our Bangers Freestyle Film Festival for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy!
Servus, here comes the new video from Christian Gattinger! The 360-degree team driver has rummaged through his hard drive and discovered some previously unpublished clips of himself and his filmmaker homies. Thick shoutout at this point to the three. You really did a great job on Christian’s Bangers video!
Most of the clips for the video above, which is a kind of Bangers leftover edit, were stacked by the guys in Landshut, Freising and Munich in summer 2020. A few beers and snippets of newspaper later “Bad News” was ready. Christian was of the opinion that since you read almost only negative in the newspaper at the moment, the title actually fits quite well. He is not entirely wrong about that.
The result is reminiscent of the design of the “Fake News” tape by the Ciao crew, so you are in good company. What the two videos also have in common is that they are driven in a refreshingly calm street. Anyone who is enthusiastic about grind sports should definitely take a look here. Yeww!
Camera: Basti Wagner, Quirin Kapfer, Timm Dauth
Editor: Christian Gattinger” – Freedom BMX