
The latest episode of The Head Angle Podcast has arrived and this time around Matt Holmes and Tom Boorman have Colin Mackay on the show to tell his story from how he got into riding, making the move to the U.S, riding in big contests, transitioning from a Pro rider to working for brands like Haro and now his current job, Vans, and much, much more! Colin has a long, amazing history in BMX and this is a super good listen! Hit play and take it all in!

If there’s one rider that showcases just how far you can go on hard work and determination it’s gotta be Colin Mackay.

From humble beginnings not unlike any Australian rider, his drive and determination to take his riding to the world saw him forge a path that nearly every Australian rider since has followed.

His time spent on US soil now spans twenty years, yet his Australian pride runs deeper than ever. From the podiums, his sponsor changes, his place in a video game and current role as Team Manager for the biggest team in BMX under Vans, we delve into Colin’s rich BMX life. A life that still revolves around the simple thing that started it all.” – The Head Angle Podcast

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