
Marcel Gans goes to work on the streets of Germany!

It’s always awesome seeing a rider that’s primarily known for riding one type of riding, completely crush it in another. Marcel Gans went to work on street spots over in Germany, and s expected the guy can definitely throw down just as hard on street as he does on ramps. Hit play to take it all in!

Marcel Gans is usually known primarily as a transition rider. But because he could use a little variety, he thought outside the box for his new video. And lo and behold, you can also ride BMX fast on the street!

The @ColonyBMXBrand rider filmed most of the clips for “No’Transition” during his master’s thesis. A fair amount of desire to switch off from the stress of university every now and then also played a role in the creation of this video.

The result is really impressive – and not just for a “transition guy”! It definitely didn’t hurt that Marcel changed his perspective and tried out an approach to BMX that was new to him. Although, his rims certainly have a different opinion…


Camera: Felix Prangenberg & Marcus Brückner
Editing: Marcel Gans” – Freedom BMX

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