
Paterico Fallico puts

Colony coming through with a fresh video Bike Check and his current M8 setup he’s rolling around on! Hit play to let Paterico give you the run through, along with a few quick clips from the Colony ramp to wrap things up!

Pat Fallico recently built up a Blue Colony M8 Lite frame so we sat down. with him and he ran us through his setup. Not only that Paterico smashes out some great riding clips in the backyard.

Shot and cut by Cooper Brownlee @CooperBrownleeVisuals” – Colony

Full parts list below!

Frame: Colony M8 Lite 20.6″
Forks: Colony Sweet Tooth 25mm offset
Bars: Colony Sweet Tooth 8.8″ rise
Grips: Colony Much Room.
Headset: Colony Tall
Stem: Colony Square Back
Seat: Colony Paterico Pivotal
Seat Post: Colony Pivotal
Cranks: Colony Venator 165mm
Sprocket: Colony Blaster 28T
Pedals: Colony Fantastic Plastics
Hubs: Colony Swarm FC / Colony Wasp
Rims: Colony Contour / Colony Pintour
Tires: Colony 2.2″ Griplock
Barends: Colony Konka
Pegs: Colony Oneway

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