
It was time for Paterico Fallico to dial in a new bike, so he dropped by the Colony warehouse to get sorted out with everything! Hit play to follow Paterico and Clint Millar as they move through the warehouse picking out all the pieces, then Paterico drops by Centre Nerang build it up and get a proper session in on the ramps at The Village. This was a full day getting everything dialed in proper, and it looks like Paterico had no trouble giving it a proper break in. Take a look!

Watch me walk through the Colony BMX warehouse with Clint Millar picking out the parts for my new bike build! Then head to BMX Centre Nerang to build it up with Reece Druery!

I then made my way to the Village Indoor skatepark in Brisbane to finish the video off breaking in the new bike! Absolutely stoked on how this bike came out and how amazing it feels!

Thank you so much to Colony BMX brand for always keeping me rolling and Bmx Centre for dialing me in!” – Paterico Fallico

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